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Screenhog on Puffle History: Part 2

Hey penguins!

 Today, Screenhog posted in Club Penguin's Community Blog! Let's see what Screenhog has to say:

Hi everyone! Screenhog here, with part two of puffle origins. This time, let's talk about the purple, red, and yellow puffles.
In 2006, the purple puffle was the fifth puffle type to be discovered. The first penguin known to have a purple puffle was Aunt Arctic, but one day, she lost it. She turned to the Penguin Secret Agency for help, and the purple puffle was found. Soon after, other purple puffles populated the Pet Shop. (Say that three times fast.)
blog_110412a.pngThe red puffle came soon after, and was brought by Rockhopper as a special Christmas gift. Red puffles are native to Rockhopper Island, and only arrived on Club Penguin after hitching a ride on Rockhopper's ship!
The next puffle was the yellow puffle in November 2007. Yellow puffles, who love anything artistic, kept themselves hidden for years. But when penguins started to build a Stage, they were too curious to stay away any longer.
blog_110412c.pngThat's all for now! Next time, it's the stories of the last three puffle colors!

 Screenhog investigated on the history of puffles! Did you think its helpful? Comment on Club Penguin Community blog by clicking here.


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