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Cadence Tracker 2011

Along with the Penguin Band making an arrival, we also have a Club Penguin Cadence Tracker 2011 for DJ Cadence’s arrival! You will see her waddling around in certain rooms for the Music Jam. Cadence also has a brand new autographed background this year, which you can receive as a free gift if you meet her! We promise every time to help you meet Cadence by using our tracker and tips. Before we get into our tips, here is the Club Penguin Cadence Tracker 2011:

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Use the Chat Below if the tracker is not updated

About DJ Cadence:
Cadence, also known as "DJ K-Dance", is a popular purple-haired musician, DJ and dancer. Always down for a dance off, you'll usually find her at the Night Club mixing music for the Dance Contest game.She made a big splash when she threw the Dance-a-thon Party for members in January of 2009, and showed up to 'chill' in person.

Thing to Remember:
DJ Cadence is a pink penguin. She has a yellow and pink stripped scarf that she always wears. Along with that, she has gray and lime green headphones. Her hair is pink and purple and sometimes she waddles around with her purple puffle.

Top 12 Tips for tracking DJ Cadence:

1. DJ Cadence is always on Club Penguin if the Club Penguin Rooftop is open. The first step for finding her is making sure she is online and that's one of the places you can check to make sure she is on Club Penguin.

2. DJ Cadence is popular so she will be surrounded by a large crowd. If you see a large crowd of penguins in a room, DJ Cadence may be in that crowd.

3. If your on a server and you randomly see a big crowd - Check to see if a Cadence is there. If you can't see any than look at the "Users In Room" list to double check.

4. DJ Cadence is an outgoing penguin and likes to appear on busy servers like Frozen, Blizzard, Mammoth, Alpine, and Yeti. She usually visits rooms like the Night Club, Night Club Lounge, and the Night Club Roof.

5. DJ Cadence will log onto popular servers during the day. At night she is more likely to be on a quiet server.

6. Generally, the DJ Cadence is online dancing 14 hours a day waddling around the island giving out a free autographed background. DJ Cadence will most likely visit each server for 15 - 20 minutes. Be careful though, sometimes she may leave quickly.

7. It's not unusual for DJ Cadence to be logged onto more than one server at a time. Sometimes this happens when Club Penguin is really busy and Cadence wants to meet as many penguins as she possibly can.

8. If a server is full  , don't waste your time refreshing and trying to get on the server thinking DJ Cadence is there unless you are 100% sure that she is online. Remember that at parties servers get full as penguins log on to enjoy the fun. A full server doesn't mean the DJ Cadence is necessarily is on that server.

9. When you find DJ Cadence make sure to click her player card and get the free item. Click the button  on ther player card that has a box on it . This will add the free item to your account.

10. If you'd like help tracking for DJ Cadence and want to form a search group, feel free to visit Cp-Rockz tracking chat. Once you're at the chat, go to the blue tab on the bottom of you users list that says "Tracking"trackinge.png (85×16).

11. Don't waste your time with "trackers". If you've worked with a tracker before you'll notice 95% of the time they're inaccurate and a waste of your time. You'll most likely be able to find the Club Penguin band quicker with a group of your friends than relying on trackers that don't update for hours at a time.
I really hope that these tips on how to find Cadence on Club Penguin have helped you in a way! We try very hard to keep you updated on Cadence’s current location with our Club Penguin Cadence Tracker 2011. If you have any advice for our tracker or any tips for us, please remember to leave a comment and submit your feedback. We always like to help penguins by adding missed advice or cheats to our articles.

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