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Rookie Tracker 2011

Rookie Has finally officially arived to club penguin as a mascot after a lot of confusion! The Rookie Track On This Website is ok but the chat tracker 100% accurate! Rookie Has Arrived for the April Fools Party This year.  He will be waddling around the island and you can collect his rare background in your inventory. Use The Tracker Below and the chat to find Rookie!

Use The Tracker Chat Below To Find Rookie With Cp-Rockz!

Tips On Find Rookie

  • Rookie is a Green Penguin with red sunglasses and a red propeller cap
  • Rookie is most likely to be in the box dimension when he is online
  • Rookie changes servers ever 15-20 minutes
  • BIG TIP! Rookie Goes On Servers in alphabetical order!
  • Rookie Will Be Online 14 hours a day
  • If Everybody is charging in one room were Rookie is and people say he is in a different room, HE IS NOT!

I Hope You Find Rookie! Don't Forget to comment!

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